A Word to the Church in America - Now!

A Word to the Church in America - Now!

November 10, 2020 Prophetic Words

BE A RIGHTEOUS REVOLUTIONARY for The Commander of the Hosts- King Jesus

A Word to the Church in America - Now!


We're all getting a lot of emails these days, and here's one more. I've heard from the Lord regarding some things I believe are necessary that the Church understand now. Seems in these latter years I'm in, the Lord is strengthening my spine & adding His fire in my belly. I fear Him, not man, media, or the monster called social media. Others opinions of us will not matter one whit when we stand in front of the Lord, the Judge, on that day. It's what God knows about us that counts. So I'll share what the Lord said to me at 2:00 a.m. last night:


"Saints - DONT AGREE WITH THE ADVERSARY. Don't appoint whom I did not anoint. True authority is conferred". 

It would have been all over for Esther and Mordecai if they had believed Haman, or the  report he peddled in the Court media in those days. For a sinister plot to succeed- it always needs an agreement. "Two or more" . [Thats why lucifer needed other angels in on 'the fix' in heaven to try a Coup d'etat against the Throne; but God kicked them out].Satan's already got the media in his pocket, but he's wanting the church to agree with the scoreboard (Biden -1, Trump- 0) - so he can 'appoint' himself king over the nation.

Gideon was told by God, in effect, 'tell the people to shut their mouths'. DON'T AGREE WITH THE ENEMY.  And when the time was right, blast the devils out of the land with the collective sound of shofars. The enemy army fled in fear -Judges 7:9-25. God 'reversed' the plans the enemy had to destroy them, & the hunters became the hunted. God wants to reverse the enemies plan's, but He's waiting for our agreement in faith.

In the days when Haman plotted to bring down Esther, Mordecai and all the Jews, God operated in the same way. After fasting and prayer,  when Esther was allowed to be brought before the King [Esther 7],  she presented her peoples dilemma before the King, telling how Haman had plotted against them. You could say he 'rigged the votes against the Jews'.  The King - who already had favor for Esther, & who knew edicts were always written & Kings command obeyed, wanted to get to the bottom of whom was against his beloved Esther. Are we not the Kings 'bride'? Believers.

Kings pronouncements were written on scrolls & read & declared...much like our Founding documents or Congressional Records are. When the King gave an edict, it had to be recorded. There are RECORDED WRITS  in heaven about this nation & our kings. We call them Presidents in our land. God is asking the Church, to ask the King, to read from the scroll & we will stand on it. When the one with authority makes a  pronouncement - it must be carried out. This was the binding 'law of Medes and Persians'. It could only be 'reversed' if there was deceit & treachery against the throne in its enactment of & against it. THATS OUR REVERSAL for America. I believe the Lord is asking us to agree with the President's legal team as they are lawfully trying to show the deceits done against the nation. I pray daily for all on the Pres. Legal team i.e. Rudy Giuliani, Pam Bondi, Jay Sekulow, Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Devin Nunes, Rep. Jim Jordan, Sen. Lindsey Graham....to name just a few of the conservative lawyers & congressmen who are aiding the President. Haman was a usurper & devised an unjust law & faced a illegal charge to try and remove all the Jews; and there are the Haman's in this hour who are trying to remove the voice of God in our land. God will again "reverse'' the plot of the enemy. We need to petition the God if the highest Supreme Court of the universe to speak.

What I am hearing is so many people are repeating & believing (which brings them into agreement) what they hear on the news.  I had several phone calls yesterday from Christian friends troubled.."oh, did you see on the news that President-elect Biden ....". And I'm thinking to myself......why are they calling him that when God has not anointed him King? As for me, I will not agree with the enemy's pronouncements over the White House or the nation, especially when the Spirit of grace is crying out for us to be in one accord, so the Lord can 'reverse & 'overturn' a Haman plot. God wants to send in the prophet to anoint the 'David' that He wants on the throne. Saints in America, please wake up. You are being played.. Just Pray, Fast & believe. God will do the rest. 

The fact is the truth is already written on scrolls in heaven. When will the Church ever learn to agree with what is written in heaven, and not speak forth the 2nd heaven plans [where the de-throned] powers & principalities lodge at.  The other day, a mature ministry couple I've known for years  and I were praying on the phone for our nation,  & they said in effect..'we just have to 'accept perhaps, as God's will, that Biden will be President. Maybe it's America's punishment- we just gave to accept it &.." 

My  Spirit was grieved when I heard that.


 Yes, there were times in the Bible when God even told Israel to accept their punishment, but pray for the land you are bring exiled to, as when the Jews were exiled to Babylon (2 Kings & Jeremiah). Yet- we have to discern 'times & seasons'. We are in a Ecclesiastes 3:8 season. "There is a time for war; and a tine for peace".  


We need to be warriors AGAINST gross injustice & gross darkness (Isaiah 60:2) right now - so God can institute- through His anointed Cyrus (Trump) that time for national  peace. Only 'anointed' justice brings peace. God will never anoint a nation for peace who crowns a King who perverts justice. God won't anoint abortion, anarchy or sin. And President Trump stands against all of it.

The Spirit of courage & resolve is required now; not a faint heart. That's why Joshua & Caleb lived, & took the land. Upon waking this morning,  I was listening to a 'conservative' news outlet - and quickly turned that tv off - when the scroll across TV was anointing 'Biden' as the 46th President. [By law, he can't even be declared the winner until its confirmed by electoral College. I'm not a lawyer; but I know that]. Yet everyone's projecting illegal & unlawful words, which has no true authority behind it]. I felt God's heart last night. He's looking for an Army that won't retreat. 


AMERICA - We need the prayer warriors with the spirit of those WW11 general's - a George S. Patton,  Gen. Montgomery & Gen. Eisenhower. We could use a General like the Gulf War 'Stormin' Norman'. We have an emasculated boots-on-the-ground cavalry sounding the troops - no wonder God's people are not the head. Why is even leadership across the country just 'drinking in the media-kool-aid'.  It's poison. 

Heaven has not transferred the 'scepter of authority' to the liberal elites. Power can be grabed, coerced or stolen; but "true" authority can only be conferred. God's authority is on the man who resides now at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If the national body of believers would agree w/ heaven - then the King "King Jesus" will quickly move.  As in Esther 8, God is waiting on His body to stop vacillating between 2 opinions. Silence the tongues from agreeing with the god of popular media, and just STAND on the God of heavens Word. 


Sincerely,    Rev. Elizabeth