Exit Babylon — Enter Mercy!

Exit Babylon — Enter Mercy!

June 23, 2023 Prophetic Words

June 23, 2023 Elizabeth Cassutto


I was listening today to Rev. Dutch Sheets recent message (on the Power of Mercy at time of Harvest), at Rev. Tim Sheets’ Oasis Church.

See here: Reflections on Donald Trump and the Nations Rebirth. There was a weight on the word mercy in the air.




I felt The LORD say there is ‘Recovering Power present in mercy’ — for a generation, for a nation, for a single soul.

As I pondered, The LORD revealed this to me.

I could almost hear Our Father whispering this to me…..

“Daughter, this [mercy] is the world’s EXIT ticket out of Babylon. My Mercy!”

I sense King Jesus is saying, “There is an EXIT Plan out of this global dark mess.”

One victory at a time. One principality, one dominion, at a time. All the Commanders and Generals of world wars put together — cannot match the strategy of Heaven’s War Room.

The Holy Spirit [purposely] hasn’t revealed ALL yet for specific reasons. Earth houses God’s battlefield [all the nations on this planet] and His victory spoils.

  1. The LORD specializes in surprise attacks against the camp of the enemy. The LORD always does the unexpected in war. This puts darkness on the defense, not offense. First strike is usually ensures a complete victory.

~ Like those who were told to keep their mouth shut when walking around Jericho — God is asking us not to say all that we (the Church) know before the time is right. ~ Timing is everything.

  1. The nations are weary, scared, hopeless and without a vision for their future. Whenever a generation is at this place — God raises up a deliverer. A voice of hope. A visionary. Those such as Moses, Deborah, Daniel, Isaiah, Nehemiah, Peter, Paul, John and more.

Now entering the scene is His remnant Church onto the battlefield. God’s Spirit power in His people against Babylon. God will decimate Babylon, using Gideon’s sword.

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Genesis 3:15

The head of the Babylonian system — which has been operating on earth since before Abraham, is about to he dealt a death-blow, by Lord Jesus Christ, through His body on earth — the Church. (See the synagogue or church of Satan, darkness, Revelation 2:93:9). The last battle to be won — is the first battle fulfilled. (Genesis 3:15).

Mankind had to become hopeless for the only Hope of mankind to enter. God will not compete (strive) with flesh. Genesis 6:3

The LORD is about to pull back the curtains of eons, times and seasons- and flood the planet with the greatest light show the galaxy has ever seen.

The triune Godhead is going to display the riches of the deep (Isaiah 45:3), the treasures of Ophir. (1 Kings 10:11). It’s gonna be some show! The Gold and Silver is His. (Haggai 2:8).

I believe we will see President Donald John Trump, our duly elected 45th President, [and 46th, though his seat was stolen from him], be used of God to continue to dismantle the Babylonian System of generations.

That is why the fierce hatred of him by those who profit by Babylon, and her trade. (Isaiah 23, Revelation 28:11).

God is so extravagantly rich in His M-E-R-C-Y!

Just as Jonah’s words and the sight of the man spit out by a whale caused a nation to repent — and that generation was saved — I have hope that God will use ordinary people like us — who make up The Remnant Church — to bring in the Glory-harvest.


Elizabeth Cassutto

Elizabeth Cassutto graphic imageRev. Elizabeth Cassutto
Lightbeacon Ministries, Millsboro, Delaware.